Läst 31 ggr
12/16/22, 1:16 PM

se skillnad på boraras merah och birgittae

Har 10 boraras merah men tycker att en av hanarna är mer färgstark och ser annorlunda ut än dom andra hanarna. Även märkt att hanen jagar både honorna och de andra hanarna och är lite aggressiv jämfört med de andra.
Undrar därför hur man ser skillnad på dom. Är det något som utmärker birgittae från merah?

12/16/22, 1:20 PM
Bild 1. Klicka för att öppna i full storlek.

den jag misstänker är birgittae

  • Redigerat 12/16/22, 1:25 PM av [Aggeanka]
12/16/22, 3:31 PM

B. merah possesses a colour pattern which is comparable to its congeners B. brigittae and B. maculatus but can be easily identified as it lacks colour in much of the body with the red pigmentation tending to be concentrated around the dark body markings. It’s sometimes seen on sale with the alternative trade name of ‘phoenix rasbora’.

B. brigittae is most similar but possesses a greater proportion of orange/red pigmentation, and the dark body markings usually form an unbroken stripe whereas they tend to form a series of spots or blotches in B. merah. Fully-striped male individuals do exist, however, and this has led to speculation that B. brigittae and B. merah are the same species (Körner, 2010). The same author also reported that in an ‘eastern’ population (from the area around Banjarmasin?) both sexes develop a striped pattern before maturity, while in the ‘central’ population (Palangkaraya, where fish are collected for the aquarium trade) only males develop the striped colour pattern, and only when sexually mature. Kottelat (2013) argued that the different ontogenies in colour pattern, and presumed geographical distribution of these two populations, supports the existence of two species, whilst also noting that Palankaraya is not close to the type locality of B. merah; the Sungei Jelai Bila river basin in Kalimantan Tengah, much further west. -

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  • Redigerat 12/16/22, 3:31 PM av Nephi
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